DVD Series Downunder Horsemanship by Clinton Anderson

DVD: Downunder Horsemanship by Clinton Anderson

by howdy9533
Published: Updated:

This title designates all Clinton Anderson’s horsemanship methods from handling the foal to the groundwork to starting a horse to the first saddle work to horse training… A complete set of DVDs that cuts down every exercises into multiple steps to achieve with the horse.

Downunder Horsemanship is the trademark registered by Clinton Anderson to designate his methods to start colts, to train horses on the ground and from the saddle. His horsemanship is based on the knowledge he acquired in Australia. Later, he visited the United States where he learned from Ray Hunt some basic principles:

“Make the wrong thing difficult, the right thing easy.”
“Do as easy as possible, as firm as necessary.”

Downunder Horsemanship by Clinton Anderson

Clinton Anderson, the Matryoshka doll maker

The method is built as a Matryoshka doll. First, the program is made of three main parts: Fundamentals, Intermediate, and Advanced. Next, each part is cut into several exercises, each exercise being described in eight steps:

  1. Goal
  2. Why
  3. Teaching Stage
  4. Handler/Rider Mistakes
  5. Horse Problems
  6. Troubleshooting
  7. Success Tips
  8. Practical Purpose

This structure of the method is its greatest quality as anyone can be around a horse safely and learn to practice a quite nice horsemanship.

A very limited methodology

Yet, that is also its main problem, its limit to communicate with a horse. Indeed, an exercise such as Full/Half circle as described in the program I propose in these pages is the equivalent of half a dozen exercises in Clinton Anderson’s approach. Desensitizing is covered by at least a dozen exercises!

The consequence of this approach is that there is no possibility to feel the horse. No room left to improvisation. You are supposed to start with the exercise number 1 of level 1, be good at this drill before you can move up to exercise number 2 of level 1, etc. Sometimes, you will come back to exercise number 1, part II, of the level 1, or to the exercise number 1 of level 2…

DVD: Downunder Horsemanship by Clinton Anderson | Natural Horsemanship

Unfortunately, although the initial motivation was nice: To give the possibility to anyone to practise quickly horsemanship, that method based on specific moves in order to produce a reaction by the horse becomes a Mechanical Horsemanship. My opinion is that it is a very practical method for beginners, but as soon as you start to get better with your horse you ought to move to a more refined horsemanship. I do not question the fact that you can get good results when following Downunder Horsemanship DVDs, but I know for a fact that you can achieve a far better connection with your horse by using smarter methods.

Downunder Horsemanship, a brand and a big business

Last, I have learned to avoid people who try to sell their ideas: Clinton Anderson’s web site offers books, DVDs, tack, hats, apparel, knives, gadgets, grooming products, and so on. He performs in shows all around the US and stars in a TV series. He created an academy to teach students to become Clinton Anderson’s signature clinicians, etc. These heavy marketing methods are not compatible with the philosophy of a good and natural horsemanship. Moreover, the DVDs are built on methods known for years, decades, centuries, and should not be introduced as a personal method developed by Clinton Anderson, based on his personal experience…

Not my first choice

As a conclusion, I invite you to take a look at those DVDs if you ever find the possibility to watch them without spending $1,000! But just keep in mind that method should be considered as one step to something even better.

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