Starting over an abused spooky mare

by howdy9533
Published: Updated:

Louisiane has been broken by a tough guy, using old mean and useless methods. The result is that she became quite spooky, was barely rideable, frightened by everything, shy and almost uncatchable…

  • Name: Louisiane
  • Breed: French Saddle Horse
  • Age: 4 years old
  • Genre: mare

The purpose of this video is to show a more complete reeducation process, going through different steps, showing more details.

How to fix a spooky horse

Louisiane is a four year old mare. She has been broken by someone who knew nothing better than the old fashion: whip the horse to make it trot and lope in circles on the ground, tie the horse face against the wall to “show who’s the boss”, leave tack on the horse all day long if she did not work correctly, and so on.

She has been ridden a couple of times only, as the ‘horse-breaker’ thought she was not manageable, too much frightened! She also had a big issue with the bridle: head-shy and ear-shy after that poor experience. We have worked a total of 12 hours over 49 days (I did not have all the time I wished for), and Louisiane is now ridden in a riding school, in the arena, and on the trails of the south of France.

As you can imagine, she needed a lot of desensitizing to the lead rope and to the flag, but the mare also needed to review all the basics such as Backing Up, Lunging, and staying calm at all three gaits.

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